My friday post is probably one of my favourite posts of the week, reading some interesting posts, looking and new recipes and just getting loads of inspiration. I love sharing my favourites here so I will get straight on with it and detail the recipes starting at the top left hand corner and working clockwise:
- The first one I am starting with I found really interesting and a great way to have a healthy dessert. This Chickpea Cookie Cake with Coconut Frosting from The Colorful Kitchen is vegan, gluten free and contains no refined sugar, what else could you want from a dessert!
- This Savoury Seed Granola from To Her Core really caught my attention the second I saw it. I never would have thought of savoury granola but this looks amazing and would make an excellent snack.
- If you really want to treat yourself then this Ginger Cookie Caramel Ice Cream Cake from The Sweet Life has to be the perfect option. I just wish I had a slice right now although I am not sure it would make the best breakfast.
- My next offering comes from one of my favourite blogs Blissful Basil and is these beautiful Avocado & Heirloom Tomato Toasts with Balsamic Drizzle. It is simple, tasty and the perfect little snack plus the post is a great read too.
- I love cookie recipes, maybe it is because I get so many and they are all so different but they always get me rushing to the kitchen and these White Chocolate and Almond Cookies from My California Roots are one of my favourites.
- My final offering is Peach Butter from The View from The Great Island. It looks amazing and who doesn’t love peaches. I can just imagine this on a piece of fresh home made bread.
- I have been keeping everyone updated on my extensive decorating and home improvement disasters, well the first thing to say is that although we have not completely sorted out the leak, or mess left from it we are nearly there and the rest of the house is looking great so we finally got onto finishing touches and are now sorting out pictures and painting picture frames. It is so exciting to finally have the house looking good. When it is all completed I am sure some pictures will appear!
- As a bit of interesting reading for you I found this great post on the 20 Healthiest Foods on Bembu, only one is not vegan so that can’t be bad can it.
- I am now well underway with my Yoga Sports Science course and am just loving doing this training, it is exactly what I want to do so my main task now is to find a footballer to work with, anyone any ideas let me know.
- Another interesting post that I saw this week was on Mind Body Green and it discusses whether a Gluten Free Diet Could Be Doing You More Harm Than Good. I have to say that there are a lot of valid points in it. There are a large number of gluten free products out there that are full of rubbish and a lot of the gluten free flours are not that great for you. If you do want to eat a gluten free diet then you need to be careful as to how you put that diet together.
- Finally I have been working on my website for my yoga teacher business and hopefully by the end of next week I should have that up and prepared some business cards. Now is the time to start getting serious.