Weekly Roundup 23/05/14


If you read this blog on a regular basis you will know that I try and get at least 6 recipes and other blog posts together to share with you. These are usually the recipes that I find most inspiring over the week and I have to say there is no set criteria other than I think they look and sound amazing. I do try and stick to vegan recipes and also ones that have lower levels of sugar, although not always.

To select them I have signed up for a lot of newsletters, probably at least 100 and I go through my emails everyday and flag the ones I like to go through later in the week. I have found many of these websites on FindingVegan.com but also find them in other places like Pinterest. However if you are yet to feature on my weekly round up and you regularly publish recipes then please email me through details as I am happy to consider any recipes sent to me. They should preferably be vegan or at least vegetarian and as healthy as possible.

Anyway let’s get on with my favourite recipes for this week, I think there are some really interesting ones from some of my favourite blogs. They are photographed above and detailed below starting from the top left hand corner and working clockwise:

  • This Vegan Alfredo Pasta from Veggieful would make a really quick and easy evening meal when served with a salad.
  • Honestly I think that Vegan Miam is probably in my top 5 favourite blogs and this Asian Noodle Salad with Tangy Peanut Sauce is definitely my type of recipe.
  • The next offering is from Oh My Veggies which does mainly vegetarian recipes but for these Baked Ginger-Mushroom Wontons with Sesame Dipping Sauce all you need to do is sub the honey for Agave Nectar and you have a stunning vegan meal.
  • This is my high sugar recipe for the week but I just could not resist these Double Chocolate Raspberry Brownies from Oh Ladycakes. If I was making them I would be tempted to change the sugar for Xylitol to reduce the effect on blood sugar. Having said that if you ignore the sugar it is quite a healthy recipe.
  • This Chocolate Brownie Granola & Smoothie Bowl from Our Four Forks is my breakfast recipe for the week and what a great way to start the day.
  • The Low Carb Diet is a blog that I have only recently come across and I love the look of these Chocolate Coconut Truffles that look easy to make and great for those of us watching the GL of the food we eat.
Other that the recipes I have had a massively busy week, in fact I cannot wait until the long weekend we have coming up so that I can just put my feet up and get a bit of sleep. Some of the highlights from the last 7 days are:
  • Arsenal won the FA Cup on Saturday which was an amazing day but led to me drinking cider which I am not used to and I think does not agree with me!
  • I started my yoga teacher training and so spent the rest of the weekend doing that.
  • I had a job interview on Thursday which was very interesting. I am not sure I will get the job as I probably don’t have enough experience but that is a bit gutting as I think it could be the perfect job for me
  • I have also done loads of sorting out of my life and finance, including organising the house, getting rid of things we no longer want and generally tidying up. My mum should be back in a big bedroom soon giving us both a bit more space.
  • I also wanted to share with you some interesting blog posts that I have come across this week:
    • The Frosted Vegan did an excellent post on Baking with Cashews and Cashew Cream which is an invaluable resource for any vegan cook.
    • Kitchen Treat has produced a list of 45 Veggie Burgers which should leave you with plenty of inspiration if you are planning a barbecue.
    • My Whole Food Life has put together 10 Overnight Oats Recipes which is perfect for this time of year when you no longer want to eat something warm in the morning. You will not be left wanting with this list.
That is about it for me this week, I hope you enjoyed it and that you have a great week!

About the author, Mercedes Aspland

Mercedes is a transformation coach, helping people to transform their businesses, health, money mindset and more. With over 30 years experience in personal development and almost 20 in business she is uniquely positioned to support others in making the changes they need to live the life of their dreams.

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