It has been a strange week this week in a lot of ways and just flown by so quickly that I can hardly believe I have made it round to the weekly round up again. Before I get on to telling you about all the other bits of the week I might as well do this week’s recipes. Deciding on the ones to go for this week was almost impossible so I am going to include a few more below but the ones pictured above are detailed below starting at the top left hand corner and working clockwise:
- The minute I saw this Tropical Smoothie from Zest & Zeal I knew that it was something I would love, as long as I left out the banana (I have a massive hatred of them). Basically though a totally yummy smoothie recipe.
- The Laid Back Vegan is a great blog and one I always enjoy reading, the recipe I picked from it this week is a Chilled Avocado Soup which would be a really easy way to impress guests or just a simple lunch.
- I would not normally put 2 smoothie recipes in my round up but I just loved this Vegan Blueberry Power Smoothie from My Darling Lemon Thyme and so just could not resist adding this one into the mix as well.
- Tasty Yummies is a blog I am relatively new to but it has some really great recipes and these Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bars that are actually made with almond milk pulp are such a great idea and the perfect way to avoid waste.
- I am always on the lookout for different and innovative recipes to put in this round up and I think that these Caramelized Vegan Scallops in Pasta with a Minted Pea Puree from Olives for Dinner fits the bill perfectly.
- My final offering if from Thai Peanut Tofu Salad Tacos from Keepin’ It Kind which is a blog that almost makes it to my top 6 and so this week I thought I had to include it and this is a recipe that I know I would love so is perfect for my weekly round up.
- I mentioned above that I had a big problem picking the recipes for this week and I actually had 10 that I got it down to and any of them could have been in the top 6 so I thought I would tell you the ones that almost made it:
- Fire-Roasted Tomato Basil Soup from One Ingredient Chef
- Healthy Mocha Hazelnut Shake from Coconut & Berries
- Roasted Cherry Tomato, Arugula & Sorghum Salad From Cookie & Kate
- Roast Beet from Can Caramelo
- The first thing I want to tell you about is something I will actually write a whole post on soon but it is something that has been going around my mind lately and it is the concept of aloneness and loneliness. Basically life has led me to a bit of a quandary that I was happy being alone until I decided I didn’t want to be anymore. I do not have enough time to go into it here but look out for my deep thoughts on this matter coming soon!
- I found this article on a study showing a link between chocolate and acne an interesting read. It does not actually give you any real answers but I enjoyed reading it and seeing the way science tries to manipulate things and how flawed studies can actually be.
- I have been selected to be one of 5 bloggers to attend an event held by Provamel at The Grain Store in London on 24th July which I am really looking forward to and hopefully I will meet some interesting people too.
- I loved this post from Kathy at Happy Healthy Life about the Social Side to Blogging it is the perfect way to inspire a new blogger.
- Another thing that I want to tell you a lot more about is my attendance to a Jivamukti Yoga class, it was an amazing experience and definitely worthy of a post.