I was feeling really lazy today and wanted to get straight to bringing you a recipe as it feels like a weekend and I have been cooking but I decided to stick with it and bring you my weekly roundup as usual. I have an interesting range of recipes to bring you this week and hope you will be as inspired as I am. Starting from top left and working clockwise the recipes are:
- Lemon Blueberry Granola from Keeping It Kind is a different take on granola and one that looks really tasty. Who doesn’t like lemon and blueberry?
- These Fresh Vegan Spring Rolls from Fork & Beans remind me of something I had on yoga retreat last year and recreated when beck home. I will need to dig this recipe out and share it with you!
- Seriously yummy Lemon Blondies from Vegan Mother Hubbard look like a real winner and one definitely worth trying.
- Carrot Cake Pancakes from Vegan Richa are the perfect way to spruce up your breakfast. This blog is definitely worth a read and is fast becoming one of my favourites.
- I am really getting into smoothies at the moment and this Avocado Kiwi Smoothie from Golubka Kitchen looks like one worth trying.
- This Coconut Lime Cream Cake from Tales of a Kitchen looks like one of the most innovative recipes I have seen for ages and it loos beautiful.
- The first thing to say is Happy Easter, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and having 4 wholes days to do exactly what I want is amazing. I might get in an extra yoga class.
- On the Easter theme I actually have another recipe to share with you for Raw Cadbury Eggs from Fragrant Vanilla Cake, so if you hurry you will have them for sunday treats.
- I have been reading a book on Jivamukti yoga and it is so inspiring, so my next task is to get along to a class and give it a try.
- I read a fantastic post from Thank Your Body giving you 31 Ways to Use Lemon Peel. There are some interesting ideas for you to use something normally just thrown away.
- I recently downloaded an ebook giving details about how to make money from your blog which is something I had never thought about before. It has given me lots of ideas that should keep me busy for a while.
- Get a great range of Homemade Sports Drinks from One Ingredient Chef to Fuel yourself after a workout.
- This Coconut Sugar Lip Scrub from Nutrition Stripped is a simple and useful post that actually looks good enough to eat!
- I have made some exciting steps forward to changing what I am doing with my life and I will need to do a whole post on that soon, so watch this space.