Weekly Roundup 04/04/14


As I was unavailable last week there was not a weekly roundup and so this week it actually covers the last 2 weeks so has taken me a bit longer to put together. Also I have split my recipes that I love into sweet and savoury to make them easier to follow. Above are the savoury ones and I have detailed them below starting from the top left hand corner and working clockwise:

Now we have done with all those fabulous savoury dishes we might was well treat ourselves with a healthy dessert and I have got some really amazing ones here. Recipe details starts and top left corner and works clockwise:
I have so many other things going on at the moment I hardly feel like I have time to think. I have put some highlights along with some other posts that caught my eye over the last 2 weeks:
  • The first thing to mention is that I went to the Be:Fit London show last Friday and although it was not as good as expected I was able to get some great new yoga gear including orange and bright pink leggings, you can see me coming from miles away now!
  • This post on Homemade Milk from the Frosted Vegan is really useful and interesting, great if you have been debating whether to make your own milks like me!
  • I have started a nutritionalist course which would allow me to become a Level 5 nutritionalist but I will probably use it mostly for this blog so watch this space.
  • If you have not signed up for it yet them please get the Bold Vegan newsletter, many of the stories are not on the website and there was a great one the other week about an unpleasant dining experience in Hong Kong, it made me chuckle.
  • I love avocado, who doesn’t and this Avocado Recipe Roundup from Katy’s Kitchen is really helpful with some great recipe ideas.
  • Katie from Produce on Parade Got a Cat – Welcome to the club!
  • I got my next assignment for my yoga teach training and need to research and write about Chakras. The pressure is really on!
  • Emma of Coconut and Berries produced this really helpful post on chickpea flour.
  • If you want a great Guide to Seeds then thank you to For & Beans excellent roundup.
  • Keepin It Kind did this lovely article about Katie from Produce on Parade
Hopefully all of that reading with keep you busy!

About the author, Mercedes Aspland

Mercedes is a transformation coach, helping people to transform their businesses, health, money mindset and more. With over 30 years experience in personal development and almost 20 in business she is uniquely positioned to support others in making the changes they need to live the life of their dreams.

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