- I am starting with something that seems strange to be inspired by this week but here it is the Tempeh Salad Sandwich by Margaret’s Dish. Maybe it is because tempeh is a relatively new thing to me and so I love recipes that include it but this just looks so yummy and like it would make the perfect lunch.
- During the week I think I have discovered that I have an intolerance to cornmeal. I could be wrong about this but my body is telling me it is something I should not be eating.
- Caramel Bourbon Almond Butter Cups by The Minimalist Baker – I have not been able to stop thinking about these beautiful things since I saw them earlier in the week. This is a top musk make recipe and I just had to share it.
- There was a thought provoking post on Make Food Real this week entitled “The Silent Death of Our Assumed Reality“. It covers quite heavy topics of infertility and death which are hard to approach but done so well. My own father committed suicide over 6 years now but having been through that I know the effect that death can have on people and that is probably why I am writing this blog. It is definitely worth a read.
- Gluten Free Chocolate Pancakes – Divine Healthy Kitchen. This is another great recipe from this blog, it is definitely one of my favourites and with recipes like this surely you can see why. If you have not seen it before get over there and check it out.
- I mentioned last week about trying Chia Seed pudding and this week the moment arose when my brother came for dinner with his wife and her parents (it is the first time we were meeting them, the parents that is) and my mum said at the last minute, “What about dessert?” So I thought, don’t worry leave it to me and I put a chocolate Chia seed pudding together. It was not quite perfect but went down well. I will perfect it over the next week and publish a recipe for you.
- I love the look of these Spinach “Chicotta” Stuffed Pasta Shells by One Ingredient Chef look lovely and a great options for vegan cheese.
- On the point of vegan cheese, the more time I spend reading about farming and thinking about it the harder I am finding it to justify eating any animal products so took the plunge and ordered some vegan cheese from Vegusto, it arrived today so we will see how it goes.
- I love the latest post from the Sprouted Kitchen not really for the recipe which does sound lovely but more for the heart warming story that is sure to put a smile on your face.
- I think I must have been in a very chocolaty mood this week but this Chocolate Mousse And Oreo Paraifts by the Laidbaid Vegan is virtually irresistible. One of the things I love about this recipe for chocolate mousse is no banana, I hate it and tried it in mousse before and all I could taste was banana, but this recipe sounds amazing.
- I love this post for Thai Quinoa Burgers by Produce on Parade, largely because I agree with Katie that burgers are not that great. I have always struggled with making them and would never choose them and I have to say that I hate burger buns more and even if I made these it wold be without the buns. Having said that these burgers do look great and something I want to try.
- Last one, I promise but checkout this great blog post, it is entitled Blog Byte: Julie Magnussen of Healthy Juice on Chard in Charge. I can definitely say it is worth a read.
- Sorry just one more thing to say I will be posting an interview with Peter Watkins of Veggeo over the next week and is sure to be really interesting, keep looking out for it.
I see that you linked back to my infertility post – my apologies for not seeing this sooner! It seems the comment just reached me regarding the link back.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post – talking about the pain of assumed realities has made them much easier to deal with.
I am so sorry for the loss of your Father. My husband suffers from bipolar, and has has many scary depression states. This world does not make mental illness an easy thing, but again, talking about it has helped, even if just a little bit. All my hugs!
No problem, I just converted to wordpress which is probably why you just got the notification x