Weekly Round Up 31st Jan 2014


  • This is probably a bit of a monthly round up, but let’s call it weekly for now. The first big thing this week is that I have had a blog redesign. I am still working on it but I am starting to really love it now, just need to get the recipe format sorted. On the monthly point, it is now a month that I have properly been working on my blog and I am loving it. Only problem is I don’t have the time to write about everything I want to so keep watching this space.
  • This Carrot and Sunflower Seed Salad from Our Four Forks brought back memories of my dad. It is funny what can do that, but he always used to make this salad with carrot, raisons and cheese that I never liked until I got older but now grated carrot reminds me of him, weird no?
  • Check out the amazing recipe for Homemade Soyrizo (Vegan, Soy Chorizo) from Yup It’s Vegan. This is a new and exciting recipe for me and something I will definitely be trying.
  • I have been getting into using Twitter this week, something I have always had but never really used. I can see why people say it becomes addictive!
  • I have received several recipes for Chia Seed pudding this week which is something I will try, was thinking it might make quite a good breakfast or is that just me?
  • It has been getting colder in London and I have wanted something warmer for breakfast and so have moved on to eating porridge, from overnight oats. I have been adding a small amount of mixed spice to my porridge which adds a natural sweetness from the oats which I just love and cannot get enough of.
  • Two recipes from the Minimalist Baker this week have really got my inspiration flowing and desperate to eat them, maybe when the diet is over but they are Coconut Cream Pie French Toast and Vegan Chocolate Lava Cakes check out the pictures

  • I have also done more work on my photography and have a tripod on the way. I am loving learning all about it though.
  • I managed to finish reading the Hatha Pradipika, need to go back over it several times but it feels like and achievement.
  • This is one of the most exciting years I have had in ages and am looking forward to it so much. It has started well and I can only see it getting better. How is yours going and what are you looking forward to?

About the author, Mercedes Aspland

Mercedes is a transformation coach, helping people to transform their businesses, health, money mindset and more. With over 30 years experience in personal development and almost 20 in business she is uniquely positioned to support others in making the changes they need to live the life of their dreams.

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