Sally Parkes Yoga Teacher Training


Last year was so hectic with a lot of life choices being made that it seemed to disappear before I even new it had started. Basically the most important highlights are that I decided to give up the retail business that I run and to train to be a yoga teacher. This could be a crazy thing to start doing but I know it will be something I will love so has to be worth trying.

Once I decided I wanted to train as a Yoga teacher I had to find a course that would work for me. That not only meant the right place to learn and the right people to teach me but also the right time. Why is the time so significant I hear you ask. Well if you didn’t already know I have a season ticket to watch Arsenal play but also watch all the away games as well which means virtually every weekend from August to May is taken up with football. So this immediately ruled out the long list of courses that are done over 2 years of weekends.

With this in mind I spent a lot of time looking at summer courses, there was a 3 week course in Ecuador which was actually in Spring and I did consider it but it meant missing games against Chelsea and Man City which was never going to happen. There was also a 4 week residential course in London over the summer which although appealing looked a bit like a hard core boot camp and not really the atmosphere I was after. So after all this hunting I came across the training course offered by Sally Parkes and it just felt perfect. I will have 2 weekends in London in May and July and 2 weeks in Spain in June, so perfect timing and a course that seemed welcoming and just the perfect fit with me.

So now I am fully committed to my training and I have to say I am already happy with the way things are going and am feeling really excited about meeting Sally, the other teachers and everyone on the course although (as my mum has always said) I shouldn’t wish my life away! However in the meantime I have coursework to do, the first thing being an essay on spirituality which I will happily share with you when I have completed it. The other very exciting thing to do is to try out at least 5 different types of yoga and then to review them which is something that sounded interesting. I then thought, ok let’s look at my local studios and find the different types of yoga that are on offer to me and this is what I came up with:

  • Hatha
  • Vinyasa
  • Yin
  • Astanga
  • Iyengar
  • Kundalini
  • Scaravelli
  • Dharma Mittra
  • Jivamukti
  • Restorative
  • Anusara Inspired
  • Rocket
  • Dru
  • Shadow
  • Forrest
  • Power Asana
  • Space ‘n’ Flow
  • Bikram
  • Boxing
  • Hot Power
  • Anti-Gravity
With a list like that I thought I am going to have difficulty selecting just 5 to attend and review and as there are some that I have already tried or have a preference to I could be biased on my choices and then miss out on something great. So the only logical thing to do, at least in my mind, was to try all of them and review all of them. Then I had another great idea, why not review all of these classes on my blog, it can be my project for 2014. I am going to try and do one every week and then write my review on the class after. 
Just as an extra on the course, I have loads of interesting things to read which I am getting on with and will let you know if anything of interest comes up in them. I will be taking all of my classes in London and if there are any types you think I have missed and would like to know more about let me know. If you also know somewhere I can practise in London too let me know. So wish me luck!

About the author, Mercedes Aspland

Mercedes is a transformation coach, helping people to transform their businesses, health, money mindset and more. With over 30 years experience in personal development and almost 20 in business she is uniquely positioned to support others in making the changes they need to live the life of their dreams.

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