Connect With Your Inner Child


I am not sure if I have mentioned it before but as part of my self development I have been working through “You Can Heal You Life” by Louise L. Hay. This has meant spending time analysing my thoughts and who I really am. This is not always the easiest or most enjoyable thing to do as you need to face a lot of rubbish. However one of the great things about the process is connecting with your inner child and I have put some of the bits I have taken from it together in the post and hopefully you will get something great out of it too.

The biggest problem we face as we grow older is that life becomes more or a burden and there is more to fear. This is not actually the case it is just our perception of the world. When we are young we have not developed a sense of fear and our risk assessment has not developed. It would not be good to stay in the state forever as it could see us doing dangerous things without consideration for the consequences. However along with this we do seem to have lost our ability to have fun and enjoy ourselves in the same way throwing abandon to the wind and just getting on with it.

In order to change this it is a great idea to connect to the inner child within you and have some childlike fun. It is important to remember that this should not feel forced and can be something you work towards. Louise Hay recommends writing a list of things you can do to connect with your inner child. For example you could play with a pet, go for a swim, do something creative like knitting or sewing or anything you can think of. Try and make a list of at least 10 things but put as many as you can on the list and do something everyday that will connect you to your inner child and you may find the clouds gradually start to lift. If you are enjoying yourself what have you got to lose?

When I did this exercise I found that I already did a lot of things that connect me with my inner child. For example I run an online knitting shop and spend a lot of my spare time knitting. When we were harvesting our cherry tree (as I mentioned in my earlier post My Cherry Fun) I ended up climbing the tree, this was something I never did as a child but as an adult it was a great way to get in touch with my inner child. From a yoga perspective I find headstand and handstand practise a great way to connect with my inner child. It is also a great gauge of the amount of fear I hold within me as I can get up in a headstand but whenever I do I fall back down right away as fear takes over. I will know I have fully connected with my inner child when I can stay up with ease.

I have written a bit about me connecting with my inner child but I would love to know what you do to connect to your inner child. It can be as simple or as crazy as you like, if it works for you then great 🙂

About the author, Mercedes Aspland

Mercedes is a transformation coach, helping people to transform their businesses, health, money mindset and more. With over 30 years experience in personal development and almost 20 in business she is uniquely positioned to support others in making the changes they need to live the life of their dreams.

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